The greatest investment is one made with God. It will always yield great harvest. God bless you as you give.

What Every Christian Should Know About Giving Offering
The importance of offering an In the church is too numerous. It blesses the church, blesses the giver, and pleases God.

However, there are some principles God wants us to have in mind when giving offerings in church;

  1. God doesn’t need your offerings, and it’s for your benefit (psalm 50:10)
  2. Give according to how you are blessed(1 Corinthians 6:12)
  3. How we give is more important than how much we give (Mark 12:41-44)
  4. Give with the right attitude, without grudge or pressure but willingly and freely (2 Corinth 9: 7)

What is the power of giving?
The power of giving is the energy that comes from making a charitable donation. Giving motivates us to reach out and help others in need. It can be a joyous experience that makes you feel good while also helping those less fortunate than you are.

Giving also has an impact on our lives in ways that we may not realize. For example, giving can help us to develop our character and grow as people, which is why some people prefer to give anonymously rather than donate publicly. They want their gifts to remain private and unseen by others, so they can focus on what matters most: doing good work.

The power of giving is to give and give. The power of giving is that it is the gift that gives itself. It is the gift that comes back to you. The power of giving is the power to give without expectation of return.

The power of giving is not just financial, it can be emotional, spiritual, or physical. The power of giving also applies to your time, energy, wisdom, and experience. Giving out love and compassion brings you more than you can ever imagine.

Bottom Line
Giving offerings in the church be done out of genuine love for God.

It eases the growth of the church, replenishes you more, and blesses those in your society.

Finally, whatever you give today is recorded for you in heaven, so whatever you give, share with a generous heart and reasonable measures, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall be given unto you” Luke 6:38.