Ministries within the Church

The Scripture makes it clear that the Church is just like the human body that has many parts, which all works together in unity for the individual to be called healthy. Every part of the body is very IMPORTANT for the proper functionality of the body. Therefore, we as a branch of the Church of Jesus Christ also has different sub-groups called ministries. Each of these ministries has their specific duties in the body (Church) and such they have been established and empowered to carry out their proper duties. As a Church we do encourage members to join and be part of any of these ministries so that they can also fulfill the call and purpose of God for their life. We have:


According to the Scriptures, our God dwells where He is been praised. And from the onset of establishing an order of service and worship of God in the wilderness all through the Old Testament, the ministry of the singers has become very essential part of worship. The Ministry has a responsibility to lead the Church in songs of praise and worship, Bringing down the glory of God in all our service. These are anointed men and women with the gift of singing and playing of music instruments. You can't afford to miss the session of praise and worship in all our services. It is always very great.



Just as the name reads, these are men and women devoted to prayers. People full of the Holy Spirit and have been called and trained in the service of Prayers and intercession. They stand in the gap for the church and every member of the Church. Also, they raise prayer join in offering special prayer intercession and intervention with any member in need of prayers. The do the spiritual warfare and God has been very faithful bringing us victory all the way.



We have dedicated, passionate and anointed teachers for our Children. They love each child giving them proper attention and it is evidenced that the Children love them too. We have seen our children grow in the knowldge of the word of God and though most of them are very young we can see that they are conscious of the ways of the Lord. Testimony from their school class teachers and people outside the church had proven that God is working on them. thanks to the effort of the Sunday school teachers and also their parents.



We have other ministries that cater for different needs in the church both physical, spiritual, Marital, Psychological, emotional etc.

We have the MEN'S FELLOWSHIP (Excellent Men), WOMEN FELLOWSHIP (Virtuous Women), Counselling, Evangelism, Sound and electronics, Maintenance, Ushering, Publicity, Visitation. We also teach musical instruments.  

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